Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cleanser story

Cleansing your face is a very important part of skincare routine. In fact, if your face isn’t cleansed well after a day of pollution and stress, the skin will age very quickly and soon enough you will find a lot of difficult skin problems appearing to haunt you day and night.
Based on my observation, a lot of people uses cheap, over the counter drugstore cleansers with harsh ingredients but uses a lot of expensive after cleansing products. The reason? Because cleansers stay less than a minute on my face, so why should I spend more money on it?

Actually we need to invest on our cleansers too. First and foremost, you need to find out your skin skin type. Generally speaking, oily skin uses foam cleanser, dry uses milk/cream/gel cleanser, sensitive uses milk or gel cleansers. For oily skin, the truth is you are actually not oily at all. The skin secretes more sebum might be caused by stress, dryness(harsh cleansers) or hormonal imbalance. For dry skin, be careful not to overload your skin with creamy moisturizing ingredients because it might clog your pores. For sensitive skin, it’s a delicate matter. Some people are actually born with sensitive skin but most sensitive skin out there is caused by external factors mainly lymph malfunction. Toxins are not expelled correctly thus no matter what you use it brings only negative results.
And people are recommended to double cleanse if they use sunscreen, bb creams and makeup. You be lazy a bit, your face kena. And then I will say padan muka! *evil face

Okay. Now that I’ve done some analysis, I guess we better get down talking seriously. Hehehe
You should list out what you want in a cleanser and try products before you use them. If you can, you should request for samples or try it personally at stores.
A cleanser can be expensive or cheap, but it should suit you. If the cleanser you buy costs RM 100 but does no good on your skin, better observe for a while and if no improvement is showing, just ditch it! Like you ditch your useless bf!!

My list of wants for cleansers:
Cleanses deep into pores
Removes oil, dirt effectively
Does not leave my skin tight
Does not stimulate production of excessive sebum
Oil Control
Pore refining

Okay, so you have your list in your hands. Now you can start hunting for your cleanser.

READ the ingredients list. You might see shocking stuff. Parabens, for example, is similar to our hormone estrogen(?) and MIGHT cause breast cancer with frequent use for 10 years according to a latest study. Parabens are used to preserve the product (and your face) , and I might say we should start avoid buying stuff with parabens, if you don’t want breast cancer coming to haunt you.
Perfume, is actually not necessary to keep your skin beautiful. It is only to package the product nicely so you would buy it! Depending on products, some nice smelling perfumes (essential oils) are actually a good way to relax but first and foremost you must like the smell and it should not be synthetic.

SLS is commonly found in harsh cleansers. You don’t want to use car wash on your face right? So don’t buy stuff with SLS. SLS is a foaming ingredient, and it is found in industrial cleansers, household cleansing products and your soap and shampoo. Creepy much?
Moisturising ingredients are the IT stuff I must find in my cleanser. If there is none, I will not buy the cleanser. Preferably you should get cleansers with glycerin, hydraluronic acid,plant extracts. Depending on sensitivity of users to these ingredients, you should weigh them out and consider properly.

Colour is the thing I dread most. Sometimes I see blue colour cleansers and think “WTF, is my face gonna turn blue after years of usage?” Colours are absolutely not needed! Got colour, no talk! Colouring are not gonna make your face pretty. It’s to make the cleanser look pretty, so you will buy it!

Finally, good luck hunting for your perfect cleanser woot woot 

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