Tuesday, July 12, 2011

happy day

today i had a girl time with my sis at the gardens and mid valley! so funtastic. we went to collect our prizes in the gardens. the security was strict-you have to give your ic no and also snap a picture before you can go in. and they use cards to access the building. fuhhh. the architecture is nice outside but on the inside it's meh. on the office floors i can predict the rundown-ness after a few years if not maintained properly. the msn malaysia's office was bare, paper free and very very quiet. ms sheena, very very pretty! she gave us our stuff and then we left to isetan.

we had ms crystal(very attentive and friendly) to attend us. she showed us various clarins products and we had the privilege to be pampered (on our hands, haha) with those products. after one hour of demonstration and what not, we left with a new determination- to save enough money to buy eye cream for me and lotus oil for my sis. *purse burst*

then we left to biotherm to collect our sample. it was hmm... no demonstration at all, just given 2 sample products to try. Afterwards we walked to midvalley. midvalley is definitely more my class. hahaha~~~ and i went to collect my clinique sample. weehoo. the beauty consultant was also friendly, alas i forgot her name.. huhu. she demonstrated the product on my skin. and now if i compare, clinique is quite drying compared to clarins? hmm. yet to be confirmed!

since my sis already missed her tutorial, we went shopping for a while before rushing back for my class. we had a mini haul in sasa! i bought some masks~ again. i hauled some masks too on saturday... guilty* then i bought nanowhite's dna protector in guardian! it's on sale...15% disc kut.. how can i not buy since i am confident in nanowhite??

later i will post my review on the various products im using right now. i still have assignments n reports sigh...

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